how it works

New to EQL?

Here's how we make getting the products you love even better.

a pair of blue shoes with a pink background
a blue and green abstract painting with a yellow circle
a yellow sign that says run fair on ita black and white outline of a star
a black heart on an orange backgrounda yellow rubber ducky sitting on a white backgrounda picture of a multicolored circle on a white background

Which means you'll feel confident that each launch is rewarding the rule followers, connecting you with your favorite brands, filtering out bad actors, protecting your data and making your experience smooth as butter. Learn more.

EQL is built for you.

EQL focuses on creating reliable, fair, and enjoyable launch experiences for the world’s most in-demand products.


Reliable, secure launch entry

EQL launch pages won’t crash under pressure or put you into an endless queue.

a laptop with a smiley face on the screen
a scale with smiley faces on it

A level playing field

Unlike FCFS launches, EQL gives every fan the chance to participate by accepting every entry within the retailer-specified launch window. No need to have the world’s fastest fingers.


Protection from bad actors

We gather insights and signals as soon as a user lands on the launch page and throughout their entry to ensure they're the real deal. We've stopped over 1 million bots from copping wins.

a fence
a hand is sticking out of a laptop screen

Communication for all

Listen, we know getting an L email sucks, but we think it sucks less than never knowing. All EQL entrants will know where they stand for every launch— hit or miss.

a green hand reaching for a pink ball

Ready to Run Fair®?

Get to know the rules to secure your best shot.

a black smiley face on a blue background

Enter once, with real info

We know you really want the thing, but don't let that passion make you do anything too irrational. Our tech was built to spot any attempts at folks trying to increase their chances and not play fair.

pin on a yellow background

Check your address

Make sure you're shipping to a legitimate home or business address. You might be prompted to correct your address if it looks like you've made a mistake - don't skip this step.

three black circles on a green background

Use a valid form of payment

Make sure your credit card is in good standing and has enough funds to cover the purchase. Virtual credit cards are not banned, but they are a less positive signal to EQL in a very high-heat launch.

a black square with a sad face on an orange background

Don't use bots or scripts

This should go without saying, but don’t use bots or scripts. We’re really good at identifying these. Plus, you’ll be blocked from future EQL launches.

Get a head start on entering your first launch!

a pair of shoes sitting on top of a box

Trending launches

Here’s what’s hot right now on EQL.

Cyborg Superman (New 52) Platinum Edition

Cyborg Superman (New 52) Platinum Edition

Cyborg Superman (New 52) Platinum Edition
Enter launch


Enter launch


Enter launch

Learn more about EQL

Check out some resources on our most common questions below.

a man is looking through a multicolored horn

Understanding the EQLizer Score

The EQLizer Score rewards genuine fans by increasing with each unsuccessful entry, improving future chances. This prevents bots from gaming the process.

a robot holding a wrench on an orange background

How EQL prevents bots and bad actors

EQL uses advanced monitoring to block bots and bad actors during high-demand launches, ensuring real fans have a fair chance to win.

a pair of yellow shoes with a pink background

Why Haven’t I Won Yet?

EQL uses advanced AI to filter out bots and ensure genuine entries. High demand for limited products makes competition intense, so not everyone can win.

Frequently asked questions

Face made of objects including a lightbulb and glass ball
What is EQL?
Downward Arrow - Open Accordion
How do I access and enter launches?
Downward Arrow - Open Accordion
What does it cost to use EQL?
Downward Arrow - Open Accordion
Where is my order?
Downward Arrow - Open Accordion
What is Run Fair®?
Downward Arrow - Open Accordion