Increase revenue on every launch

Increase revenue on every launch with EQL

Not sure if EQL is worth it for your launch? Let’s run the numbers. Plug your launch details into our calculator to see your estimated ROI when using EQL. 
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Unlock the full value of your launch with EQL

Save on operational cost
Additional savings accrue when you can count on launches running smoothly. Free up your team, and save on using multiple tools to meet demand.
Make informed decisions
With real-time launch analytics, you’ll get a comprehensive picture of demand, allowing you to take a more efficient approach to inventory.
Extract more value
When buyers have a good purchase experience, they’ll be back. Consistently smooth and fair launches earn lifetime loyalty from your fans.

Ultra Football Maximizes Revenue with EQL

When Ultra Football began using EQL in March of 2023, it was primarily to protect their online high-heat launches from the usual pains. However, over the past year, they’ve found value in the partnership far beyond just the launch moment.
Conversion rate on Ultra Football's launch page post-entry CTA's
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IMG partners with EQL to manage race waitlists

For 46 years, the Nike Melbourne Marathon Festival has remained one of the world’s premier race events. In partnering with EQL, the IMG team created major efficiencies in their waitlist, leading to valuable hours saved.
Hours saved manually managing race waitlists
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Breaking it down: Here's how these solutions differ

Queue-it manages event queues; EQL scales effectively for traffic spikes.
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Industry-Leading Bot Mitigation
Scalable Infrastructure
Flexible Landing Pages
Up-Front Payment Verification
Locals First and VIP Options

What does it cost to use EQL?

Clear pricing, fair launches, can’t lose. We keep costs simple and transparent.
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It's time to get more out of your launches
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